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Membership Class

Are you interested in membership at CFC, or would you simply like to learn more about our church? Through this class, you’ll learn about our church’s core beliefs, values, and vision, and how we seek to live these out in our church. We will also explain the process and requirements for membership here at CFC. The class will meet for two Sundays immediately following the service. Click below to register for our next membership class!

Membership Requirements

Membership Process

  • Membership class: Prospective members are required to attend a two-week membership class. This class has a three-fold purpose: 1) to provide an informal setting for prospective members to learn more about the vision, core values, beliefs, and ministry philosophy of Cross Fellowship Church, 2) to give prospective members an opportunity to better get to know the Cross Fellowship Church elders, 3) to help equip prospective members with the primary marks of a Biblically healthy church and explain how Cross Fellowship seeks to practically apply these in our church context. Everyone is welcome to attend this class, whether or not they are interested in membership. For information about the next scheduled class please contact

  • Membership application: This may sound scary, but really it is just a formal way for the prospective member to initiate the church membership process.

  • Membership interview: Once the application is received and the membership class is completed, one or more of our elders will meet with prospective members to allow for any remaining questions from either side to be asked and answered. The purpose and goals of the interview are the following: 1) to confirm that the prospective member meets the requirements for membership at Cross Fellowship Church (including credible profession of faith, believers baptism by immersion, affirmation of statement of core beliefs and membership covenant), 2) to confirm that the prospective member has a good understanding of the meaning of church membership, 3) to get to know the prospective member and make the membership process personal.

  • Approval by elders and church membership: Typically, this will occur during one of our scheduled members meetings throughout the year as new and current church members read the membership covenant aloud together.

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