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Love God Supremely.
Love One Another Humbly.
Love the World Sacrificially.



We exist to glorify God by making disciples of all nations.
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8714 Antioch Rd

Overland Park, KS 66212

Latest Sermon

Latest Sermon

Introduction to Colossians

January 12, 2025

Colossians 1:1-2

00:00 / 01:04
  • Spotify
  • Apple Music

Frequently Asked Questions


  • Where is the Sunday gathering held?
    We meet at New Haven Seventh Day Adventist Church at 8714 Antioch Road in Overland Park, Kansas.
  • What is the Sunday gathering like?
    Around 10:15, the service will open with singing. You will be invited to stand, if you are able, and join others in singing songs in celebration and worship. The lyrics for these songs are projected on a large screen. After a time of singing, we ask everyone to be seated for a time of reading and teaching from the Bible. The teaching time normally lasts around 45 minutes and is followed by the Lord’s Supper, a few songs, and some closing announcements.
  • How long is a typical Sunday gathering?
    Our worship gathering begins at 10:15 AM and concludes around 11:45 AM. We love fellowship and visiting with one another, and we invite you to arrive early and stay a little after the service is over to get to know people.
  • What are the sermons like?
    We typically preach through one book of the Bible at a time.
  • What's the dress code?
    Please come as you are. We do not have a dress code, but most people in our congregation dress casually.
  • What's available for kids?
    We offer classes both before and during the worship gathering. Please see the Children’s Classes page for more information. We also offer a Nursing Mothers room with one-way glass windows and audio from the worship gathering.
  • What is our view of the Lord's Supper?
    The Lord’s Supper is a practice instituted by Jesus for the church. During the Lord’s Supper Christians are remembering the cross of Christ. The bread represents the body of Christ that was broken and the juice represents His blood that was shed for us on the cross. The Lord’s Supper is the only aspect of the service where people who are not Christ-followers are asked to abstain from participating. This means that when others go to the front to take the bread and the cup, those not participating simply remain seated. We believe the Lord’s Supper is an ordinance for the gathered church, so our normal practice is to celebrate the Lord’s Supper with those gathered in person on Sunday mornings rather than in DCs or when watching the livestream from home.
  • Must I consider myself a Christian to attend?
    No. We invite everyone from all backgrounds to join us on Sunday mornings.
  • Are you affiliated with the Seventh Day Adventist Church?
    We are in no way affiliated with the Seventh Day Adventist Church. Our rented facility (New Haven Seventh Day Adventist Church in Overland Park) is merely a meeting space for us. We are not ministry partners or sister churches with New Haven.
Contact Us

Contact Us

If you have any questions about Cross Fellowship or want to set up a chat with one of our elders, fill out this brief form and we'll be in touch.

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